If you still want to support me, you can buy me a Ko-Fi! I really appreciate all donations.

Humanoid$60 USD
Robot$70 USD
Armored$80 USD
Minecraft Skin$50 USD

A new character designed for you personally, drawn front and back, with a few close-ups on details such as eyes, mouth, or accessories. Prices can vary from the table above based on how simple or complicated you want the design to be.This is a new kind of commission I offer, where you give me a species, color palette, theme/aesthetic, and any specific details you want to be included, and I work with that to design a character for you from scratch! The Humanoid category covers humans as well as fantasy creatures such as vampires, elves, and orcs. Characters with prominent robotic features and characters in a full suit of armor (medieval, fantasy, or sci-fi) are extremely involved to draw and priced accordingly.I'm also willing to design you a character based off your Minecraft skin! Just provide me with a few guidelines to stick to or specific traits to avoid to ensure you're happy with the result.

Simple Background$30 USD$45 USD
Detailed Background$40 USD$60 USD

A full-body illustration of a persona or character, with flat cartoony shading, or fully rendered with detailed light and shadow. Props such as weapons or artifacts are included free of charge. Backgrounds can be transparent, simple, or detailed. A simple background will include some basic colors and patterns, while a detailed background will be closer to an actual setting around the characters that they can interact with.Additional characters per illustration add +50% to the price. Especially complex poses, backgrounds, and character designs may cause additional fees. This is something I will discuss with the client on a case-by-case basis.

RegularNeon Outline
Still$18 USD$20 USD
Animated$28 USD$30 USD

Icons for personal use, such as a Discord profile or personal Twitter account. If you're looking for a logo for professional use, check out Brand Imagery instead!These depict a persona or character from the shoulders up, or a close-up on their face, on a simple background such as one color, a gradient, or a repeating pattern. Animated icons include a small animation such as a scarf flapping in the wind, a light flickering, or a character blinking. These are typically drawn at 512x512 pixels, but I'm willing to draw at reasonably smaller or larger sizes upon request.

Logo$30 USD
Animated Logo$40 USD
YouTube Banner$50 USD
Offline Screen$40 USD
Creator Bundle$100 USD

Logos, banners, and other brand imagery for professional use such as for a streamer, organization, or business. If you want something to represent some form of brand, this is the commission for you!YouTube banners are 2048x1152 pixels, and offline screens are 1920x1080. Logos and Animated Logos are typically drawn at 512x512 pixels, but I'm willing to draw at reasonably smaller or larger sizes upon request. If you're commissioning a logo that you plan to use for Twitter, I'd be happy to make you a simple banner to match for free!The Creator Bundle includes a logo, YouTube banner, and offline screen. This kind of commission is a lot to work on at once and may take me longer to complete than usual.Due to all the options available for these commissions and the inherent complexity of each, there is not a Google Form available to begin the commissioning process. Instead, please email me at [email protected] if you're interested in this kind of commission.

A collection of some of my best works, showing off my ability across a variety of pieces.
If you see something you like, consider commissioning me!

Subscriber Discount

This discount is for Twitch subscribers of two months or more! Subscribers at any tier get a 20% discount on every commission I offer under $51. Just tell me your username and I can check to see how long you've been subscribed.Thank you for your support!

Home Turf Discount

If you commission me to draw a character with dragon features, or one of my own OCs, you're eligible for this discount! These are things that I find easy to draw and really enjoy doing so. You'll receive a 10% discount on ALL of my commissions!

If you're eligible for both, I will apply the Subscriber Discount first, and then the Home Turf Discount.For example, if you buy a Rendered Illustration with a Simple Background ($45) I would apply the Subscriber Discount first to bring it down to $36, and then the Home Turf Discount to bring it down to $32. Decimal points will be rounded to the nearest dollar.

Hello! I'm Tam, an artist with a fondness for video games, dragons, and dramatic lighting. I specialize in character illustrations, icons, and designs, as well as brand imagery for my fellow aspiring creators and small businesses. My digital art is made with a Huion H950P art tablet and Medibang Paint Pro, and I'm also trying out Clip Studio Paint.I'm in the middle of the complicated and expensive process of moving out and going to university, and I have to work less hours at my "real job" to make time for said process, so money's a little tight right now. Digital art commissions are an alternative source of income that I can utilize and buying even my cheapest commission types helps me out a lot. Thank you for supporting me.In addition to creating digital art, I'm also a Twitch Affiliate who plays video games and streams the art process occasionally! I upload let's-play videos to YouTube (about twice a year), but I'm planning to experiment with a format closer to video essays in the near future. Socials are linked below!

Before Commissioning Me

Ready to commission me?First, you'll want decide on a commission type, make sure you have the money for it, and read my Terms of Service so you're aware of what I will and won't draw, and how you can use your finished commission.Then, click the big button at the bottom of each commission page. This will take you to a Google form for that specific kind of commission. Fill that out, make sure you've spelled everything right, and hit submit! Don't forget to provide evidence if you're eligible for any discounts.Next, I receive your commission, decide whether I want to accept it or not, and email you with my final decision either way. If I choose to take it on, I'll email you the good news and send you a PayPal invoice. If your commission is $50 or more, you may pay half up-front and half once I'm done.Once your invoice is paid, I can begin work on your commission!

During the Art Process

I'll send you a couple progress shots by email to make sure you'll be happy with the final result. First, a clean sketch to give you a sense of how the character(s) is positioned and general composition. This is your chance to ask for any major changes such as changing poses or the setting. Then, I provide completed lineart and flat color to ensure you're happy with the colors. Here you have one last opportunity to tweak things to your liking, such as editing a haircut or jewelry.If you ask for changes beyond those points, especially major changes, you will be charged accordingly and I will not continue work on your commission until that extra fee is paid.It can take me 1-3 weeks to finish a commission. As a general rule, price correlates to complexity, which correlates to how long it takes to complete. A simple icon might only take me a day or two, but a rendered illustration with three characters interacting could take me a month! I'll always keep clients updated on how long it might take, and inform you of any setbacks or delays.

After Commissioning Me

Once a commission is done, I will email it to you. If you're paying half up-front and half after it's done, I'll email you a watermarked, low-resolution image of your commission when it's completed, and provide you with another invoice. After it's fully paid off, you will receive the full-resolution version without watermarks.Now you can set it as your profile picture or show it off, but make sure you're still crediting me! My Terms of Service explains details on what you can and can't do with your commission, and how I expect to be credited for my work.


Refunds are calculated on a case-by-case basis depending on how much of the commission I've gotten done.As a general rule, if you cancel your commission at any time before the lineart, you will receive a 90% refund. The 10% is for the trouble, and to cover any transaction fees. Any time after lineart will be around 50% refund, and after shading, typically no refund will be available at all. I may be a bit flexible on this depending on how easy or difficult the commission was to work on. But once a commission is complete, no refund will be available regardless.If I have to cancel a commission after accepting it for any reason, I will inform you immediately and you will receive a full refund. Alternatively, you may choose to accept a partial refund and however far I got with your commission.

I, as the artist...

- Will have a deadline I am comfortable with, and no sooner. The laws of physics only allow me to draw so quickly.
- Maintain the ability to share my work on social media, with other people, and to include it in my portfolio(s).
- Maintain the ability to turn down any commission I am uncomfortable with for any reason. I will always inform a prospective client of why I'm not willing to accept their commission.
- Maintain the ability to cancel your commission if necessary and refund you if I am truly unable to complete it.
- Maintain the right to take legal action, such as sending DMCA takedowns, to protect my intellectual property.

You, as the client,

- MUST credit me on any platform where my commission is used, by providing a link to my Twitter or commission site (that's this one!). For example, if you're using one of my icons on Twitter, I must be linked in your bio/location/etc; and if you're using my brand imagery on YouTube, I must be linked in the description of all videos made since you began to use it.
- May crop, resize, and edit the piece to your discretion. You must still credit me as mentioned above.
- May print out or produce merchandise of your commission for PERSONAL use. Making something for yourself or friends is fine, profiting off it is not.
- May NOT use personal commissions such as an Icon or Illustration as part of your branding for any reason.
- May NOT claim your commission as something you made.
- May NOT trace over your commission and claim the traced image to be an original work created by you.
- May NOT re-sell your commission in any way. This includes, but is not limited to, producing stickers, prints, or other merchandise for others; tracing over it and selling the traced image; and minting NFTs. You should not attempt to make money off my work.

Frequently Asked Questions

I WILL draw...
▪ Your persona or original character
▪ Fanart (unless explicitly disallowed by the copyright holder)
▪ Most robots and armor
▪ Pin-ups
▪ Blood and minor injuries
▪ Tasteful nudity
I WON'T draw...
▪ Anthro/furry (just not good at it)
▪ Extremely complicated designs such as Transformers
▪ Erotica or fetish
▪ Gore
▪ Abusive, incestuous, or predatory relationships, fictional or not
▪ Hate speech and/or hateful imagery (racism, homophobia, slurs, etc)
These guidelines are just that, mere guidelines, and I may be flexible with them on a case-by-case basis. They're still useful if you want a general sense of what I'm comfortable with drawing, and what I'm not.

What's the difference between personal and professional use?
A YouTube banner for an aspiring creator would be brand imagery, but an Illustration would not be, because the YouTube banner represents their "brand" and the illustration only represents the characters present in it. Most of the commissions I offer fall under personal use, which means you don't plan on making it a part of your "brand". Professional use means you do intend to use my art as part of your branding as an individual, organization, or business.
Is there any way to pay you outside of PayPal invoices?
No. PayPal invoices are the safest and most convenient way for me to be paid. I will only accept the amount asked for in USD and no other form of currency, such as euros, pounds, or cryptocurrencies.
What can you draw?
My Portfolio has examples of my ability in several artistic areas, such as character design, composition, color palette, and digital rendering.
Why are your prices so high?
Art is work. It's a beautiful form of self-expression, but especially when drawing for others, it's also work. Each piece takes significant time and effort that should be accounted for and rewarded accordingly.